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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

Northwest High School presented check at Business After Schools

January 31, 2014

Clarksville-Montgomery County School System - CMCSSMontgomery County, TN – Premier Medical Group and the Clarksville-Montgomery County Education Foundation presented a $40,000 check to the Health Sciences Academy at Northwest High School.

From left are: Dr. B.J. Worthington, Director of Schools; Northwest Principal Bryan Johnson; Premier Medical Dr. Peter Silkowski; Academy Administrator Theresa Muckleroy; Foundation President William Beach; Foundation member Tommy Bates; Foundation Board Member Emeritus Rudy Johnson; Foundation member and Premier Medical Group Administrator Lloyd Matson; and Foundation Executive Director Candy Johnson.

From left are: Dr. B.J. Worthington, Director of Schools; Northwest Principal Bryan Johnson; Premier Medical Dr. Peter Silkowski; Academy Administrator Theresa Muckleroy; Foundation President William Beach; Foundation member Tommy Bates; Foundation Board Member Emeritus Rudy Johnson; Foundation member and Premier Medical Group Administrator Lloyd Matson; and Foundation Executive Director Candy Johnson.

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APSU’s Acuff Circle of Excellence seeking 2014 Ovation Award nominations

October 16, 2013

APSU Center of Excellence for the Creative ArtsClarksville, TN – The Acuff Circle of Excellence, a nonprofit patron society of the Austin Peay State University Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts, is seeking nominations for the coveted Ovation Awards, presented annually since 1996.

The nominees must have made significant contributions to the artistic and cultural life of the Clarksville-Montgomery County community. Anyone can submit nominations.

While the Ovation Awards will be presented at a celebration on March 2nd, 2014, at the Customs House Museum and Cultural Center, nominations are being sought now through Friday, January 17th, 2014. [Read more]

When Newspapers Mattered: The News Brothers and their Shades of Glory

September 25, 2013

My Two-Cents with Hank BonecutterClarksville, TN – As my wife and I were preparing for a recent vacation, we started collecting the books we planned to read while on our trip. I usually grab the latest offering by Harlan Coben, Patricia Cornwell, or John Grisham.

She is currently catching up on the “Left Behind” series, but as she was putting our choices in the bag, she reached for my autographed copy of “When Newspapers Mattered: The News Brothers & their Shades of Glory” written by former Leaf-Chronicle “newspapermen” Tim Ghianni and Rob Dollar.

Rob Dollar and Tim Ghianni (all rights reserved)

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Montgomery County College and Career Fair September 23rd

September 19, 2013

Montgomery County TennesseeMontgomery County, TN – The annual Montgomery County College and Career Night for students and their parents will be September 23rd, 2013 from 6:00om-8:00pm at Austin Peay State University’s Foy Fitness Center.

This event gives students exposure to a wide array of post high school options, allowing them to informally visit booths to pick up information about colleges, post secondary institutions and career opportunities and speak with representatives of those institutions. [Read more]

Clarksville Riverfest Tour d’Art Winners

September 8, 2013

Clarksville's Riverfest 2013Clarksville, TN – Every year, Clarksville’s Riverfest Tour d’Art exhibits feature the talents from artists across the Clarksville-Montgomery County area.

There are three divisions; the Senior (Downtown Artists Co-op), the High School (Customs House Museum) and the Amateur and Professional Divisions (Smith-Trahern Mansion).

After hundreds of artists had their works of art on display at various locations in downtown Clarksville, then judged by artist Dane Carder, winners were awarded at the Tour d’Art Receptions, Friday, September 6th, 2013. [Read more]

Clarksville Montgomery County School System announces Administrative Appointments

July 20, 2013

Clarksville-Montgomery County School SystemMontgomery County, TN – A high school principal has resigned to take a position in North Carolina and a number of administrative appointments have been made in the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System for the 2013-14 school year.

CMCSS makes Administrative Changes

CMCSS makes Administrative Changes

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Kenwood High School Students named ‘Volunteers of the Year’ for 2013 Rivers and Spires Festival

May 28, 2013

Rivers and Spires FestivalClarksville, TN – The Rivers and Spires Festival is pleased to recognize Kenwood High School as the Clarksville-Montgomery County School with the most student volunteers working at the 2013 Festival.

The students were presented with a trophy and certificate recognizing their commitment to the community-driven event. The school boasted 34 volunteers this year, ten more than the second place school, with several of them coming from their JROTC program.

Rivers and Spires Festival names Kenwood High School Students ‘Volunteers of the Year’

Rivers and Spires Festival names Kenwood High School Students ‘Volunteers of the Year’

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CMCSS announces New College and Career Academies

March 2, 2013

The Clarksville-Montgomery County School SystemMontgomery County, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery School System is proud to announce the implementation of college and career academies in each of the seven public high schools with registration beginning next week for the upcoming school year.

Rossview High student Ian Pope operates the camera for the school's news program.  The school will be offering the Academy of Media Arts and Technology.

Rossview High student Ian Pope operates the camera for the school’s news program. The school will be offering the Academy of Media Arts and Technology.

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Local schools compete in 8th Annual Black History Bowl at Austin Peay State University

February 14, 2013

Austin Peay State UniversityClarksville, TN – Earlier this month, dozens of middle and high school students stopped by the Austin Peay State University campus to participate in the Eighth Annual Black History Bowl.

“We had a good attendance with three middle school teams competing against each other and three high school teams competing against each other,” Dr. Barbara Peterson, APSU associate professor of education, said. “There was a heightened level of excitement and anticipation for this year’s event.” [Read more]

Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce November Events

November 4, 2012

Clarksville Area Chamber of CommerceClarksville, TN – The Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce announces upcoming events during the month of November.

On November 10th, the Chamber will be hosting the 20th Annual Veterans Day Breakfast at the Austin Peay State University Morgan Center. The morning will begin with a buffet style breakfast at 7:30am followed by a salute to our veterans and then will conclude with COL Andrew P. Poppas, Deputy Commander (Operations), 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), serving as the keynote speaker.

Tickets are currently on sale for $15.00 each and can be purchased by contacting Yvonne Pickering at or 931.245.4340. [Read more]

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