Arts and Heritage Development Council announces Clarksville Montgomery County High Schools Theatre performances
October 29, 2012
Montgomery County, TN – The Arts and Heritage Development Council has released the dates and times of some of the upcoming Theatre Shows at Clarksville Montgomery County School System high schools. Mark your calendars and make sure to get to one or more of the shows.
Our local students are working hard to present classic theatre favorites for their schools and the community. [Read more]
High School Bands were Rockin’ at the 2nd Annual Indian Nation Marching Invitational
September 20, 2012
Cunningham, TN – On Saturday, September 15th, 14 area High School Marching Bands made their way to Montgomery Central High School Stadium for the 2nd Annual Indian Nation Marching Invitational. The weather was perfect as the bands strutted their stuff in front of the filled stadium.
“There was a lot of work done by our Band Boosters to prepare a quality competition.” stated Montgomery Central High School Principal Christy R. Houston. “We hope everyone enjoyed the experience.”

Clarksville High School Marching Wildcats were the Grand Champions of the 2nd Annual Indian Nation Marching Invitational.
APSU awards scholarships to area High School Students
September 19, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Austin Peay State University has awarded scholarships to the following 2012 area high school graduates:
Raven Brown, Clarksville High School, received the Presidential Scholarship. Brown plans to major in nursing at APSU.
Kristen Austion, Montgomery Central High School, received the Dean’s Scholarship. Austion plans to major in biology at APSU. [Read more]
The Mill to hold Grand Opening Saturday, September 22nd
September 17, 2012
Clarksville, TN – The Mill, located at 1101 Dover Road, will have their Grand Opening Saturday, September 22nd, 2012 from 10:00am to 6:00pm. There will be live music, a chainsaw carving show, performance by Northwest High School’s Pom Squad, delicious food, games, and door prizes.
Lylewood Inn will also be there selling some great food. Menu will include chicken and dumplings, pork tenderloin sliders, and beans and cornbread.
Clarksville-Montgomery County School System Ninth Graders to get a Reality Check
September 13, 2012
Montgomery County, TN – For the second year, ninth graders in the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System are going to get a reality check.
The Reality Check Program, which was underwritten by a grant from Bank of America, is a real life simulation activity designed to give students the opportunity to experience the responsibilities of a 25-year-old and providing sole or primary support of their household.
Northwest High School renovation project moving forward
August 14, 2012
Montgomery County, TN – The Clarksville-Montgomery County Board of Education will vote on the $15.4 million construction resolution for the proposed renovation of Northwest High School at its 7:00pm meeting tonight.
The high school opened in the fall of 1970 and the project will include significant upgrades, with a focus on safety and security.
Clarksville Student Eric Phillips Wins New Car in Fourth Annual Clarksville-Montgomery County School System Pass and Go Program
July 29, 2012
Clarksville, TN – The fourth annual Clarksville-Montgomery County School System Pass and Go Program, sponsored by Wyatt Johnson Automotive Group and Premier Medical Group, culminated this evening with a Northwest High School graduate winning a brand new car.
Eric Phillips, who passed four Advanced Placement exams, was the winner in this year’s event.

Eric Phillips has his choice of a Mazada 2, Hyundai Accent or a Toyota Yaris as the winnner of the CMCSS Pass and Go Program.
Memories of Mickey – Remembering Mickey Fisher
July 2, 2012
Part 1 of a 5 Part Series
Clarksville, TN – My memories of Mickey Fisher began when I returned to Clarksville Tennessee in 1971. There were only three high schools in Clarksville at the time. Clarksville High School, Northwest High School and Montgomery Central High School.
I started dating a cheerleader at Northwest, and since I didn’t go to high school here, I immediately hated Clarksville High School, (my girlfriend told me to).
When Northwest and CHS played each other, the entire city shut down, and everybody went to the game. I saw Mickey play a few games, but only when they played Northwest.
Nashville State Community College Names Clarksville Resident Steve Conklin as Director
June 27, 2012
Nashville, TN – Eileen Crane, Executive Assistant to Dr. George Van Allen, President of Nashville State Community College, announced today the selection of Steve Conklin as Director of the new Nashville State campus which will begin classes this fall in the former Saturn dealership at 1760 Wilma Rudolph Boulevard.
In making the announcement, Crane stated “We are glad to have Steve Conklin join our staff as Director of our new extended campus in Clarksville. Steve’s background, experience, and Clarksville ties made him an excellent choice for the position.” [Read more]
Clarksville Sunrise Rotary Club Congratulates Northwest High School Student Ashley Rhodes, Speech Contest Winner
April 14, 2012
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Sunrise Rotary Club held its 2012 Four-Way Test Speech Contest, Thursday, April 12th, on the campus of Austin Peay State University. Two high school students competed to win cash prizes and the opportunity to move forward to the Rotary District 6760 contest.
Ashley Rhoades, an 11th grade Northwest High School student, challenged 10th grade student Christian Dashcle for the esteemed prize. Both students were tutored by Northwest speech teacher Jaime Holder.