Clarksville Parks and Recreation’s awards second-annual Coach of the Year Award
March 17, 2012
Clarksville, TN – The City of Clarksville Parks & Recreation Department along with Legends Bank awarded the Legends Award – Coach of the Year Award to Clarksville High School wrestling coach, Jeff Jordan last night at the second-annual Legends Award Coaches’ Banquet held at William O. Beach Civic Hall in Veterans Plaza.

Clarksville High School wrestling coach, Jeff Jordan was awarded the Legends Coach of the Year Award.
Comedy Show to benefit A&S All Support
March 7, 2012
Oak Grove, KY – Etta May, the queen of southern sass, brings her stand-up comedy show to the Valor Hall and Convention Center in Oak Grove Kentucky this Saturday night.
What’s the best way to describe Etta May? “Minnie Pearl with a migraine.” To put it simply, when Etta May takes the stage, she is the reigning Queen of Southern Sass. She reflects “You know you’re getting fat when you sit in the bathtub and the water in the toilet rises!”
Clarksville Parks and Recreation announces Finalists for the second-annual Legends Award
March 5, 2012
Clarksville, TN – The nominations are in for the second Clarksville Sports Festival Legends Awards. The City of Clarksville Parks & Recreation Department along with Legends Bank have partnered in an effort to honor both current and past coaches who are or have made a unique difference and solid contribution to sports and athletics in the Clarksville-Montgomery County area.
The Legends Awards consists of two categories: Coach of the Year and Legends Old School Coach. [Read more]
Austin Peay State University Hall of Fame to reach 100 members as Bailey, Haynes, Holt to be inducted Saturday
January 26, 2012
APSU Sports: APSU Hall of Fame
Clarksville, TN – Jay Bailey, an All-American running back who owns the school single-season rushing record; Ashley Haynes, the versatile forward who scored 1,000 points and grabbed 1,000 rebounds in her illustrious career, and Cheryl Holt, who led Austin Peay volleyball to 19 straight Ohio Valley Conference tournament appearances, including the 1991 tourney title, will be inducted into the University’s Athletics Hall of Fame, Saturday.
The 9:00am, induction ceremonies in the Dunn Center’s front lobby will see the APSU Athletic Hall of Fame grow to 107. The newest inductees and their families also will be honored during halftime ceremonies of APSU men’s basketball home contest against UT Martin.

Jay Bailey, Cheryl Holt and Ashley Haynes to be inducted into the APSU Athletics Hall of Fame. (Courtesy: Austin Peay Sports Information)
The Kiwanis Club “Interview A Veteran” Essay Contest Winners
November 11, 2011
Clarksville, TN – The Kiwanis Club of Clarksville their “Interview A Veteran” Essay Contest Winners program Tuesday, November 8th 2011. The Essay contest was open to all Clarksville Montgomery School System and Fort Campbell students ages 6-12.
Each school winner was awarded a plaque and a $100.00 gift card by the Kiwanis Club of Clarksville. The Middle School and High School Division winners received a U.S. flag formerly flown over the U.S. Capitol, a special patriotic award, and an additional $100.00 gift card.

"Interview A Veteran" Essay Contest. (L to R) Ron Smithfield, Autumn Brown, High School Division winner and Most Inspiring; Skyler Johnson, Most Heroic; Grace Hinson, Middle School Division winner; and Debbie McGaha Bratton, Essay Director.
New Scholarship at APSU Honors Longtime Educator Patricia Hancock Richardson
September 27, 2011
Clarksville, TN – In the spring of 2010, two years into her battle with cancer, Patricia Hancock Richardson reminded her husband, James, of an errand he needed to run.
“She said, ‘make sure you get our basketball and football season tickets,’” James Richardson remembered. “ She told me, ‘We’re going to every game.’”
Patricia, known by her friends as Patty, had rooted for the Austin Peay State University Governors since the early 1950s, when she was a varsity cheerleader at the school. In the years that followed, she became a fixture at most home games, cheering on the Governors during good seasons and bad. So that spring, James listened to his wife and bought the tickets. They went unused. [Read more]
APSU Hosts 2011-12 Youth Leadership Clarksville
August 5, 2011
Clarksville, TN – A few days before the start of the 2011-12 school year, 30 high school students recently selected for the Youth Leadership Clarksville Class of 2012 spent the first part of their day getting to know each other – a crucial step before the afternoon’s activities.
One of the class members was tossed a ball. The student had to say his first name and toss the ball to someone else, who then had to repeat the previous names and add his at the end.
It’s a game designed to teach and build memory tools, said Dr. Robyn Hulsart, associate professor of professional studies at Austin Peay State University who led the exercise.

High school students in the 2011-12 Youth Leadership Clarksville program participate in a team-building exercise during their opening retreat August 2nd at Austin Peay State University. (Photo by Beth Liggett, APSU photographer)
Queen City Quartet to perform in Guthrie
July 25, 2011
Guthrie, KY – Clarksville’s own, Queen City Quartet will be traveling to Guthrie, KY this weekend with performances to be held at the Senior Citizen’s Building, located at 233 South Ewing, on Friday, July 29th at 7:00pm and on Sunday July 31st at 2:30pm. They will be performing musical selections from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.

Members of Queen City Quartet; (L to R) Front Row; Charlie Winn and Pete Silk. Back row; Carolyn Riggins, Debbie Wilson and Kris McCarthy Houser.
AAU Basketball Tournament Volunteers Needed
June 13, 2011
Clarksville, TN – Volunteers are needed for the 2011 Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) 7th Grade Girls’ Basketball National Championship, hosted by the Clarksville-Montgomery County Convention and Visitors Bureau, which will be held from Sunday, July 10th to Friday, July 15th.
This year, the tournaments will take place during the week at 12 different venues throughout the community. Volunteers are needed on Sunday during the day for registration and at 6:00pm to help line up athletes and work the opening ceremony. Responsibilities during the week-long tournaments will include checking player passes, selling tickets and programs and taking tickets. Volunteers will be needed from 7:30am to 8:30pm, Monday through Friday. [Read more]
Clarksville Fox vs. Knockouts in Women’s Football Saturday
June 7, 2011
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Fox woman’s full contact football team is coming off of a two game winning streak on the road and will be hosting the North Texas Knockouts Saturday June 11th at 7:00pm at Northwest High School.
This will be the Fox’s last game of the season and so tell all your friends and come out to see the game.
Tickets are $8.00 a person and Children 5 and under get in FREE. [Read more]