Concert at Mag’s Coffee Shop
May 13, 2012
Clarksville, TN – The band, Unnamed Servant, decided to stop at Mag’s Coffee Shop on Riverside Drive in Clarksville on Friday night as a last minute concert stop as the band makes it’s way to St. Louis and eventually on to the west coast.
The Owners of Mag’s Coffee Stop were contacted by the band early in the week about being the location for the concert and after a flurry of emails back and forth the date was set. Even with the last minute notice a couple dozen people were on hand to enjoy the performance.
Austin Peay State University faculty, staff named for various accomplishments
January 11, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Several faculty and staff members as well as some students at Austin Peay State University announce their recent professional and scholarly activities.
Dr. Tristan Denley, provost and vice president of academic affairs, was interviewed for a story in the December 11th, 2011, issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education about how educational data mining to customize student experiences and selections. His expertise in developing software that recommends courses based on a student’s major, academic record and other factors also was noted in the article. [Read more]
Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce Announces New Membership Recruitment Representative
December 19, 2011
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce Denny Fry as its new Membership Recruitment Representative.
Denny joins the Chamber after spending the last several years working as a freelance graphic design and marketing professional. Originally from the St. Louis area, Denny moved to Tennessee with his family and attended Tennessee Tech. There he received his B.A. in English and Journalism which eventually led him to Knoxville TN.
Dance Force Receives Top Honors
April 2, 2011
Written by Amy Ritchart
Clarksville, TN – The Dance Force of Clarksville competition company, The Force, kicked off the 2011 season in a big way, bringing home 35 Platinum and 4 High Gold adjudications at Stage One’s regional dance competition in St. Louis, MO.