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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

APSU School of Nursing receives AT&T Foundation grant

July 28, 2010

Austin Peay State UniversityWith the help of a $10,000 Communication Foundation Grant from AT&T, the School of Nursing at Austin Peay State University will develop an intervention program for upper-level nursing students pursuing their bachelor’s degrees.

Lanie Johnson, regional director of external affairs at AT&T, presented the grant during a reception held July 21st at APSU.

(from left) Dr. Patty Orr, assistant professor of nursing and the Lenora C. Reuther Chair of Excellence; Dr. Tristan Denley, provost and vice president of academic affairs; state Sen Tim Barnes, D-Adams; Dr. Chita Farrar, professor of nursing; Lanie Johnson, regional director of external affairs at AT&T; Tim Hall, APSU president; state Rep. Joe Pitts, D-Clarksville; Richard Jackson, vice president of legal and strategic affairs; and Dr. Sherryl Byrd, vice president of student affairs. (Photo by Melony Shemberger, APSU Public Relations and Marketing)

(from left) Dr. Patty Orr, assistant professor of nursing and the Lenora C. Reuther Chair of Excellence; Dr. Tristan Denley, provost and vice president of academic affairs; state Sen Tim Barnes, D-Adams; Dr. Chita Farrar, professor of nursing; Lanie Johnson, regional director of external affairs at AT&T; Tim Hall, APSU president; state Rep. Joe Pitts, D-Clarksville; Richard Jackson, vice president of legal and strategic affairs; and Dr. Sherryl Byrd, vice president of student affairs. (Photo by Melony Shemberger, APSU Public Relations and Marketing)

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APSU, HCC will be holding a press conference to sign dual admissions agreement

July 7, 2010

Students at Hopkinsville (KY) Community College who wish to enroll at Austin Peay State University after earning their associate degree will be able to transfer with ease, in large part due to a new dual admissions agreement between the two postsecondary institutions.

Leaders from both APSU and HCC will sign the dual admissions agreement, known as the Austin Peay Guarantee, during a press conference at 3:00pm, Wednesday, July 21st in the HCC Administration Building. The agreement signing is open to the public.

“Over the years, HCC has sent us great students, and I’m happy to see our two institutions take this new step, which will pave the way for other students in the future,” APSU President Tim Hall said.

HCC President Dr. James Selbe also expressed excitement in the new agreement. [Read more]

APSU, Vol State to sign new dual admissions agreement

June 17, 2010

Students at Volunteer State Community College who wish to enroll at Austin Peay State University after earning their associate degree will be able to transfer with ease, in large part due to a new dual admissions agreement between the two postsecondary institutions.

Leaders from both APSU and Vol State will sign the dual admissions agreement, known as the Austin Peay Guarantee, during a press conference at 10:00am, Thursday, June 24th in the president’s conference room at Vol State’s campus in Gallatin. The agreement signing is open to the public.

“Over the years, Vol State has sent us great students, and I’m happy to see our two institutions take this new step, which will pave the way for other students in the future,” APSU President Tim Hall said.

Vol State President Dr. Warren Nichols also expressed excitement in the new agreement. [Read more]

APSU alumnus Charles Hand receives 2010 Regents Award of Excellence in Philanthropy

May 15, 2010

Austin Peay State University LogoCharles Hand was presented the 2010 Regents Award of Excellence in Philanthropy during Austin Peay State University’s annual Tower Club Dinner, held Friday, April 30. Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Chancellor Charles Manning presented Hand the award.

APSU President Tim Hall, who nominated Hand for the award, said, “Hand’s financial support of the university expands over a long period of time. His lifetime giving is almost one million dollars and includes significant support of APSU athletics, with a special emphasis on our baseball program since the baseball park is named in his father’s memory, Raymond C. Hand. Austin Peay’s Beatrice Hand Village, a relatively new housing complex, is named in memory of his mother.” [Read more]

APSU supporter Ed Groves receives 2010 Chancellor’s Award of Excellence in Philanthropy

May 15, 2010

Edgar (Ed) R. Groves was presented the 2010 Chancellor’s Award of Excellence in Philanthropy during the annual Scholarship Donor Appreciation Dinner at Austin Peay State University, held Tuesday, April 27th.

David Gregory, vice chancellor of administration and facilities development, presented the award on behalf of Chancellor Charles Manning and the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR).

APSU President Tim Hall, who nominated Groves for the award, said, “The criteria for the Chancellor’s Award describes Edgar R. Groves perfectly. The relationship between Mr. Groves and Austin Peay State University can perhaps best be described as a mutual admiration society. [Read more]

Florim USA presents scholarships to APSU

May 14, 2010

Representatives from Florim USA, a Clarksville-based manufacturer of Italian-designed porcelain tiles, visited Austin Peay State University recently to present scholarships to three deserving students.

Giancarlo Adani, Florim USA vice president of operations, awarded a computer science scholarship to Aaron Taylor, a marketing scholarship to Emmanuel Heath and a chemistry scholarship to Cody Covington. [Read more]

APSU breaks ground on CETF, receives $2 million from Hemlock to purchase lab equipment

July 11, 2009

Austin Peay State University Logo hsc

Today, Austin Peay State University forged new territory when it broke ground for the new Chemical Engineering Technology Facility (CETF).

“Crossing over Eighth Street is kind of a first for us,” APSU President Tim Hall said during a groundbreaking ceremony at the site located across from the Sundquist Science Complex on Eighth and College streets.

With ceremonial shovels in hand, APSU officials were joined by representatives from Hemlock Semiconductor Group, a Michigan-based company “directly responsible for the new building today,” Hall said.

“This new progress is happening precisely because we’re forming partnerships,” he said.

The APSU CETF groundbreaking

The CETF groundbreaking

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