APSU honors students, staff, faculty and organizations at annual awards program
May 10, 2012
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, TN – The Office of Student Affairs at Austin Peay State University honored leadership and service by individual students, student organizations, faculty and staff at its Student Organization and Leader Awards Program on April 11th.
The purpose of the program is to recognize students, student organizations, faculty and staff who have made significant contributions throughout the year both on and off campus, Director for Student Affairs Programs Tammy Bryant said. [Read more]
Clarksville Chamber presents Austin Peay State University’s Winters with Distinguished Community Service Award
May 9, 2012
Clarksville, TN – One gets the impression that Dr. Tim Winters, Austin Peay State University classics professor, doesn’t sleep much. A dedicated teacher, he’s won most of the University’s major faculty awards, such as the Socrates Award for Excellence in Teaching and the APSU National Alumni Association Distinguished Professor Award. [Read more]
Clarksville Sunrise Rotary Club Welcomed Major General James C. McConville To Austin Peay State University
May 7, 2012
Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Sunrise Rotary Club welcomed special speaker Commanding General of 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Major General James C. McConville to this morning’s breakfast on the campus of Austin Peay State University.
The breakfast was attended by city leaders including Austin Peay State University President Tim Hall and Rotarian members from both the Clarksville Sunrise Rotary and the Clarksville Rotary clubs.

Major General James C. McConville with the Clarksville Sunrisse Rotary Club. (Photo by Steven Joseph)
APSU History Honor Society publishes second issue of scholarly journal
May 3, 2012
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, TN – On Tuesday morning, members of Austin Peay State University’s Phi Alpha Theta (PAT) history honor society crowded into APSU President Tim Hall’s office to present him with a small, red booklet.
After flipping through a few pages, Hall looked around at the history students and faculty members surrounding him and said, “Congratulations to you all. This is fantastic. We’re so proud of what you’re doing.”

APSU President Tim Hall congratulates members of the Theta-Delta History Journal’s Board of Editors on the publication of the second volume of that scholarly publication. (Photo by Beth Liggett/APSU staff).
APSU to graduate record 1,000-plus students May 4th
April 25, 2012
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, TN – Austin Peay State University will award degrees to 1,075 students – the largest class in APSU history – during its 83rd Spring Commencement on Friday, May 4th in the Dunn Center.
More students are graduating from APSU because of the University’s increased efforts to offer students more opportunities to finish their degrees faster. One of those opportunities is APSU’s new Winter Term, which launched in December 2011. Some of the students will be able to graduate May 4th because they took a course during Winter Term. [Read more]
APSU Military Center coordinator receives Patriot Award
April 23, 2012
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, TN – When Darlene Howell, coordinator of the Austin Peay State University Military Student Center, was called out of her office on Wednesday afternoon, she was a bit confused. Why were there so many people – including APSU President Tim Hall – gathered in the Center, watching her every move?
But then Bob Beaty, a volunteer with the Department of Defense’s Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), stepped forward to clear things up by presenting Howell with an award.

Bob Beaty, with Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, presents Darlene Howell, coordinator of APSU Military Student Center, with the Patriot Award while APSU President Tim Hall congratulates her. (Photo by Beth Liggett/APSU Staff)
APSU receives financial gift from Florim USA to award scholarships to two APSU Students
April 20, 2012
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, TN – Austin Peay State University recently received a financial gift from Florim USA to be used for scholarships.
Florim USA has committed to fund annual scholarships in memory of its founder, Ing Giovanni Lucchese. The scholarships are for students majoring in marketing, computer science and chemistry.

Florim USA's Giovanni Grossi (right) presents a financial gift to APSU President Tim Hall. The gift will be used for scholarships. (Photo by Beth Liggett, APSU Public Relations and Marketing)
U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn notes concerns about funding for Higher Education during visit at Austin Peay Staet University
April 4, 2012
Clarksville, TN – An expanded Medicaid and other rising health care costs will impact Tennessee financially, but how those escalating expenses will shortchange state allocations for higher education concerns U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn.
“What we learned from TennCare is that every dollar went to health care, and higher education lost out,” Blackburn said during a visit April 2nd at Austin Peay State University. “We are incredibly concerned about what health care on a federal level is going to do to states and colleges and universities.”

U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn of the 7th Congressional District speaks to APSU President Tim Hall’s Circle of Advisers during a visit to campus Monday, April 2nd. (Photo by Beth Liggett, APSU Public Relations and Marketing)
Austin Peay State University to hold Community nonprofit Leadership Conference
March 28, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Austin Peay State University School of Technology and Public Management, the APSU Department of Public Management and Criminal Justice, Hands on Clarksville and the Clarksville Montgomery County Nonprofit Partnership Network are all teaming up on Friday, April 13th for a Nonprofit Management and Leadership Conference at the Morgan University Center. [Read more]
Austin Peay State University plans activities as part of Disability Awareness Month throughout April 2012
March 21, 2012
Clarksville, TN – Walking to class, listening to a lecture, reading a sentence accurately or typing email are daily actions most people can do without thinking twice.
But for those who have disabilities, such activities can be a challenge. Their world is different.
That’s what the Office of Disability Services at Austin Peay State University wants people to understand. April is Disability Awareness Month, and activities are designed so that the public can see how different life with a disability is. [Read more]