National Day of Prayer
April 25, 2011
Millions of Americans to Unite on Thursday, May 5th, for the 60th Annual Observance of the National Day of Prayer
Clarksville, TN – As American troops remain in harm’s way, fighting for democracy and liberty around the globe, citizens of the United States are preparing to celebrate their freedom to gather, worship, and pray. Millions will answer the call to prayer on May 5th in observance of the 60th annual National Day of Prayer. Organized events will be held in thousands of public venues where intercession will be made for America and its leadership.
This year’s theme, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” is based on Psalm 91:2: “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” National Day of Prayer Task Force (NDPTF) Chairman Shirley Dobson, wife of Focus on the Family founder Dr. James Dobson, said, “At this perilous and uncertain juncture in our country’s history, it is critical that we remain in prayer. The American people continue to be plagued with challenges that defy simple answers, and our hope lies in humbly seeking the Almighty’s guidance, protection, and blessing – not only on the National Day of Prayer, but throughout the year.” [Read more]
Women Veterans Outreach
April 25, 2011
Clarksville, TN – Women Veterans of America Chapter 20 is hosting a Women Veterans Outreach on May 20th, 2011. The outreach will be held at the William O. Beach Civic Hall, Veterans Plaza, 350 Pageant Lane, Clarksville, TN from 10:00am – 2:00pm.
This will be the first Women Veterans Outreach in this area and we want to provide these veterans with the best possible information. [Read more]
Veterans Outreach slated for Civic Hall
March 22, 2011
Montgomery County, TN – The Montgomery County Veterans Service Organization, in conjunction with the Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs, is hosting a daylong Veterans Outreach for veterans and their dependents from 10:00am to 3:00pm, April 15th, at William O. Beach Civic Hall in Veterans Plaza, 350 Pageant Lane, Clarksville.
Representatives from the MCVSO, TDVA, VA health care, local veterans groups and federal, state, county and community agencies will be available to provide information and enrollment opportunities for veterans and other eligible beneficiaries. [Read more]
4-H Chili Luncheon
March 15, 2011
Montgomery County, TN – The Annual 4-H Chili Fundraiser will be held on Tuesday March 22nd, from 11:00am to 1:00pm at the Civic Hall in Veterans Plaza.
Debbie (at the Extension office) has tickets for $5.00 each. The meal includes Wendy’s Chili, Coke products, and Desserts. [Read more]
The Clarksville Parks and Rec Report
March 13, 2011
Clarksville, TN – The weekly Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Report provides Clarksvillians with a glimpse at the activities and events that are available from the Parks and Recreation Department for them to enjoy together as a family.
This weeks highlights include:
- Clarksville Sports Festival
- Calling all coaches!
- Get Outdoors
- Baseball, Softball & T-ball Youth Recreation Leagues
- Private Rentals
Montgomery County Dedication Event at Veterans Plaza
February 18, 2011
Montgomery County, TN – County Mayor Carolyn Bowers dedicated the Robert E. Thompson Memorial Garden and re-dedicated the William O. Beach Civic Hall, at Veterans Plaza, Wednesday, February 16th, 2011 at 2:30pm.