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Information Articles for the Clarksville TN and Montgomery County Tennessee area

About: Beth Britton

    Beth Britton, Domestic Engineer (aka stay at home wife/mother) blogger, photographer, lover of antiques and the smell of an old quilt fresh off the line. After venturing into the Social Work field at APSU she quickly realized her 'gifting' was working with children, and became certified in Early Childhood Education. Beth can be found outside on nature walks with her daughter, on her front porch having coffee and talking of nothing with her 'Love', or in her church nursery wiping noses and rocking babies. She is ever striving toward a simpler life.

    Web Site: http://


Beth Britton's Articles:

    Port Royal State Park by Lantern Light

    By | October 26, 2012 | Print This Post

    Port Royal State Historic ParkAdams, TN – If you’re looking for the perfect fall Family event why not try out a free event this week at Port Royal State Historic Park.

    For the 5th year in a row Port Royal State Historic Park will be hosting its largely attended and popular “Port Royal by Lantern”.

    Lantern Tours

    Port Royal State Park’s Lantern Tours

    «Read the rest of this article»


    “Christmas Down Home” comes to Austin Peay State University

    By | December 22, 2011 | Print This Post

    Christmas Down Home - David AlfordClarksville, TN – With a few days left until Christmas the lines at the checkout are long, traffic is worse, and its hard to get a sincere “Merry Christmas” from those that push past you on their way to the next store. It is not too late, though, to save that holiday spirit.

    “Christmas Down Home”, created by David Alford and Paul Carrol Binkley will be at the APSU Music/Mass Communications Concert Hall for the last stop on their holiday tour.

    Enjoy an evening together with loved ones to set the tone for the Christmas weekend and let your heart be filled with cherished traditional holiday songs such as “Go Tell It On The Mountain,” “I Wonder As I Wander,” and “Sweet Little Jesus Boy.” Performed by accomplished Nashville actors and musicians, this production promises to be a heartwarming trip down memory lane infusing hints of Appalachia with honest family stories of togetherness and unity. «Read the rest of this article»


    Plato’s Closet opening in Clarksville

    By | June 3, 2010 | Print This Post

    Plato’s Closet is a clothing store that appeals to teens and young women in their twenty’s. This brand name store buys and sells gently used clothing.

    The newest opening is here in Clarksville at 2250 Wilma Rudolph Blvd . The store will open to sell to the public June 17th, at 10:00am. Until then they are buying items to build their inventory.


    SMOKE: A Ballad of the Night Riders opens this weekend.

    By | June 2, 2010 | Print This Post

    Director, David Alford

    What would cause a close knit community of friends and farmers to pull their curtains tight and lock their doors at sunset? What could turn brother against brother in an act of hatred and deceit? It all goes back to a single tobacco leaf that caused a fiery uproar that affected everyone in town and spanned state lines. It is said that the details surrounding this event have been so hidden and suppressed through the years that family Patriarch’s have had to die before this story could be told. Starting this weekend, David Alford is telling that story in the form of a drama based musical called SMOKE: A Ballad of the Night Riders.

    David Alford, writer and director of the well known play SPIRIT: The Authentic story of the Bell Witch is bringing to the stage in Adams, TN SMOKE:A Ballad of the Night Riders, as well as writing the lyrics to this musicals original score. «Read the rest of this article»


    St Patrick’s Day Treat for children: “Green Eggs and Ham”

    By | March 17, 2009 | Print This Post


    Getting creative with food is an excellent way to get your kids to try new things, and it can even make an average meal fun again.

    This morning in honor of St. Patrick’s day I made for Elle-Girl ‘Green Eggs and Ham a-la Sam I Am’


    • 1-2 tablespoons of butter
    • 4 slices of Ham
    • 8 eggs
    • 2 tablespoons of milk
    • 1-2 drops of green food coloring
    • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
    • 1/4 teaspoon of pepper
    • *chopped green peppers

    Melt a teaspoon of butter in your skillet and add a drop of food coloring to the butter before adding your ham slices. Add your ham and flip over in butter mixture until coated then let fry until edges are brown. Then remove from skillet and wrap in aluminum foil to keep warm, and set aside. «Read the rest of this article»


    Little Lambs and Ivy: Big sale for little tots

    By | March 11, 2009 | Print This Post

    sortingSpring is in the air, and for Clarksville Moms that means the return of The Little Lambs and Ivy consignment sale. For the past twelve years Little Lambs and Ivy has been bringing quality clothes and children’s products to local moms at a price they can afford! The sale opens to the public every Spring and Fall. Since it is Mom-driven and Mom-led, consider it like a glorified clothes swap among friends but with big rewards.

    Jeannette Smith, who has been in charge of this sale for almost a year now, and mother of two children of her own, estimates that it brings out anywhere between 600-1,000 thrifty Moms to shop with usually up to 275 consignors. «Read the rest of this article»


    Used toys exempt from new product safety mandate

    By | February 9, 2009 | Print This Post

    used-toysAugust 14th, 2008, former President George Bush signed and set in motion The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008.  This Act was brought about by the large amount of recalled toys and baby products in the year 2007.

    The CPSIA calls for any children’s product exceeding the amount of 600-ppm (parts per million) lead content cannot be sold in the United States.  Items that fall under this Act are children’s toys, cribs, pacifiers, children’s jewelry, baby bouncer seats, walkers and jumpers. Any product that can be mouthed, or ingested by a child under the age of twelve must be tested for safety.

    This Act will begin today. One year following this date the lead count will drop to a strict 300-ppm, then continues down to 100 ppm. This law will also prohibit against children’s items containing PVC (polyvinyl chloride ) and the chemical phthalate. «Read the rest of this article»


    Kindermusik: parents and children making music together

    By | January 14, 2009 | Print This Post

    Beth Britton and Elle-girl

    This morning Elle-Girl and I attended an event held in an upstairs practice room at the incredibly renovated new Mary’s Music Store downtown. The event was a preview Kindermusik class taught by Tiffany Hilliker.

    Kindermusik is a free form way of teaching children music by positive parent interaction and helping form a well rounded child. The class starts out with a happy hello song where you bounce your young child in your lap while singing “Hello” to the other children. The class then continues to teach predictable routine practices and interactive song and dance opportunities. The children get to experience different musical instruments and play with bright colorful streamers. The classes are completely child centered, however I must admit, the parent has a really good time as well.

    As a mother of a busy toddler I thought that Elle-Girl would really get into this class. She always dances whenever music is on, she enjoys throwing mommy’s scarves up in the air and running through them, and loves singing silly songs and playing the drums on pots and pans. «Read the rest of this article»


    Behind the legend of St. Nick…

    By | December 8, 2008 | Print This Post

    Take a moment, close your eyes and picture Santa Claus.

    You have probably just pictured an older plump man with a bright, fire engine red, fur trimmed coat with matching hat, a broad black belt and gold buckle. He would be wearing shiny black boots, with a full mane of long white hair curled perfectly at the ends. You have just pictured Mr. Haddon Sundblom’s 1931 depiction of St. Nicholas for the Coca Cola company! That famous print not only boosted Coca Cola sales that winter, it set the standard for what we know today as Santa Claus.

    So if that is not Santa Claus, who is? «Read the rest of this article»

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